Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Last Puppy is Me

I'm still a puppy and this is my blog.  I'm a puppy among dogs, and people. I no longer sleep in the pen that I spent time in with my litter mates. During the day I'm in the backyard with my daddy Bart. He is big, fun, rough and he shakes the world on the deck.  My mom, Millie, is a little strict. She can be scary, but if I give her some room, by retreating to under the patio table and chairs, I usually can stay out of harms way.  Sometimes they let me jump up and chew on them like a puppy, and sometimes I need to run for my life!

I now sleep in a crate, which my boss human pushes me into, he actually lifts me into it so that I can't get any traction with my paws on the rug.  After the door closes I get a milk bone treat.
I can keep the crate clean from 10 pm until 6 am with not problems.  My crate is next to my mom who sleeps on a dog bed.

I watch the big dogs retrieve Kong rings and a torn softball which my boss human throws off the deck. Sometimes he throws a plastic mini-football for me to retrieve.  I get to run around on the front yard with the boss every night for a few minutes before going to bed. I love to run crazy circles around the front yard, though I do miss my puppy sisters, and puppy brother Rambone.

I don't know why the my boss human put me back in the the cage for a few minutes the other day, he does things with bright flashing lights, but eventually the blue spots fade away.

I do a good job of keeping it clean in the house, unless the boss lady talks to me with baby talk.
I do my best to lick those people as much as possible. Every once in a while I hear them say, "let's keep him" and by the looks in their eyes I know they want to, especially when I'm giving them a good licking!
 I'm in here because? -- and you know, I was the first puppy to clear this board!
That's me on the left more than a week ago, Blue and Rambone are at their forever homes.

Not Funny, Let me OUT

No need for that paper business behind me, I'm crate trained :-)

Yes I do retrieve, you now it's in my genes.