47 lb 4 year old 1st time dam. A people dog, she seeks us out to lie near us in the house, loves to run, (especially if she can be off the lead). A great retriever with an excellent nose for finding her "Kong" ring, throw toy in the grass. After having the puppies she's slowed down a bit, but she still loves to retrieve.
Bart CKC Registered Name: Black Bart the Poet
70 lb 1 year old stud -- 1st litter
Still a puppy-brained dog. He too loves to retrieve/ fetch. He used to always finish second to Millie, but now owing in part to Millie's taking it down a few notches, --but mostly to his being a strong agile and determined machine, he rules the show.
When throwing their two glow-in-the dark balls at night, Millie always cheats/gets a big head start. She runs swiftly, almost silently, light and nimble. Bart only sets off after the first ball hits the ground. He moves like a freight train, his paws galloping loudly as he pounds the turf and dirt in a full sprint.
Bart, while pretty much in constant play mode, does calm down nicely to become, the total love sponge, demanding both hugs and solid, thumps on the side.
Labradoodle Life