Tuesday, October 21, 2014

And Then There Were NONE

I helped load Stud-Muffin into the back seat of a Volvo station wagon yesterday afternoon. It was the first time he'd walked on leather.  An 11 year old was going to ride with him, while his grandma did the driving.
While we did the paperwork inside, Stud-Muffin (who's name might actually stick!) tried to cause his typical mischief in the kitchen.  He put his paws on the counter, nosing around for food, then messed with the open dishwasher, but this was after raiding the big dogs small scrap bowls.  The little ostrich-slayer had also adopted a small white stuffed bunny, which he would hold crazy tight in his jaws.

His last newest trick however was to carry a plastic field cone into the house when we came inside.
On departing the house he ran back into the office area where he'd left it when coming in.  He carried that plastic cone down the steps and the length of the the long yard to the Volvo.  Bright orange cone almost as big as he was, dark black dog holding it proudly in the air-- Stud-Muffin was great for some laughs.

I think Bart (his daddy) will miss him most.  Bart who sometimes made him yelp by playing too hard, would play tag with him, and play fight on the deck.  From upstairs we'd here the metal sounds of the wire mesh patio furniture moving around.  Stud-Muffin would charge Bart who was down on his belly mouth open, and then Bart would chase him back.  The puppy's only safety was under the table, which Bart would move.
Bart would sometimes pull him out by grabbing the pups back leg and dragging him. Don't think Stud-Muffin liked that part of  the game.Other times Bart would let Stud-Muffin be on top of him with the puppy grabbing his throat, all tails would be wagging.

This will mean more time for the big dogs now-- my my night-time glow-ball retrievers.