Saturday, August 29, 2015

Three Puppies in need of love:
These labradoodles are love sponges! The sight of a person has their tails wagging. They quickly get underfoot, and beg you to pet their heads, chins, behind the ears, and to paralyze them, put them on their backs and get their bellies.  Puppy guts!  Today they ran and played with three little girls in the front yard.  They were here for a puppy visit, and the little doggies did not disappoint. They loved it too. They're getting a little too brave for my liking, wanting to explore the world outside the fences, stretching their legs and having a blast.

Last night when they were back in the pen, I sat on the floor with puppies snuggling, pulling shoe laces, and chewing on a tennis ball.  Violet was being a mush, Blanca was getting pets and the boot laces. El Guapo was carrying a tennis ball around, then he laid down on his side and started growling and barking at it a little bit.  It was comical, and his Bart Daddy will do some of that too -- even at 2 years old.

The Bart dog will play fetch with himself, rolling a ball down a hill, or the steps from the deck, and then retrieving it to the starting place.

These three musketeers,  really need that special somebody to dote on them, more than we can at this point.

Life-long friends in the offing.   "Can anybody find me somebody to love?"