Sunday, August 2, 2015

6 Week Mugshots: Have you seen these individuals?

Labradoodle Puppies are now 6 weeks old, in our backyard, and in the cyberworld.
These are their mugshots: Each culprit has a page accessed from the menu to the right. Their personalities are starting to show, lovable and laughable messes that they are.
Pink-Collared Female "Yes, I know I'm beautiful"
Violet-Collared Female "I'm the humble favorite"
Blue-Collared Male --the heaviest of the litter..."It's a doggy dog world out there, and I'm wearing Milkbone underwear"
Green-Collared Male "I'm so done with this photo nonsense"
Orange-Collared Male "I'm King of the Chair -- bring it duudles!"
Red-Collared Male "Don't make me come down there"
White-Collared Female AKA Baby Dog "What is thisss ruunt thingy of which you speak?"
"Laugh all you want, for I wiiill some a day, leaves you all, to your unsophisticated, hilly-billy childish ways"
(she has a French accent)
Yellow-Collared Female  Second heaviest pup.."Yes I may have pulled a few ears, bitten a few tails, made some lesser pups cry for mom, but I'm really a very nice girl once you get to know me"